Wednesday 29 March 2017

Something to loosen the grip

I want more than anything to find a way, a 'cure', a solution to feeling like this. I know without a doubt there must be thousands upon thousands of people in the world who feel something along the lines of what I feel.
I want to find a solution but I can't, maybe because eating disorders are so, so personal, no two peoples issues are the same. So you could ask, how do you get better unless you happen to find what works for you, what helps you?

I am a Christian, and I talk to God most days when I'm driving to university or work, I chat to him about life, ask him to look after the people I love.
I ask him to loosen the grip that food and weight have over me. I ask for a break, just a single day where I do not have to base my life around the numbers on a weighing scale.
This day is yet to come, and I guess that's the way it's meant to be for now.

'A wound is the place where the light enters you' - Rumi

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