Tuesday 27 February 2018

Body shaming

Body shaming really gets me so upset. I struggle so much to see how in 2018 people feel it's alright to criticise others bodies. Whether that criticism is based around being overweight, underweight, or too short, too small, or just a slightly unusual body shape, it's so wrong.
In some aspects of life like science and medicine, humans come along in leaps and bounds. In other aspects, we are quite slow and a little disappointing, like how long it took to legalise same sex marriages. Or how much racism and sexism still exist. Being English it's hard to speak for other countries, and after quite a long time we did legalise same sex marriage and people are be coming more open minded. We do make huge progress within medicine and drug experiments.
We live in a diverse country full of people with different skin colours, different accents and people from many different cultures.
Yet some people can look at someone, who they may have never even spoken to or even seen other than on the internet, and they can find flaws in that person's appearance. They decide there's a part of that person's body they think is ugly.
How can any half decent person do that to somebody else?
How can a stranger think they can decide for you that you have something wrong with your appearance?
Working in mental health has given meme thick skin. I've never cared how many times I get called the C word.
I've been told I'm no good at what I do, I'm selfish, privileged, a bitch. I've been told to jump off a cliff, been called a slag or a whore, and none of it ever really bothered me.
Most people were unwell or angry when they said those things and I'm a forgiving person so I could never be upset or annoyed by it. I understand rage, I understand distress, I understand a build up of feelings that just explodes.
But body shaming someone, calling someone 'anorexic' or 'fat' as an insult if something I can't ever understand.
I will always be biased because of my eating disorder, I know many people throw words around like that and do not feel anything. But when you carry a pain inside you like an eating disorder, it's a burden that will never go.
Body shaming is taking that burden that someone is trying to cope with and displaying it for everyone to see.
It is parading that person's pain and using it as a weapon.
Fuck body shaming.
Living with someone about yourself that you don't like or something you're conscious of is a daily struggle, fuck any lowlife who tries to make you feel worse about it. 

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