Saturday 17 February 2018

My venomous thing

A venomous thing still lives inside my soul.
Acknowledging that was the first real step I took towards getting better.
I feel more positive now than I have for many months, if not years, but naturally the bad days, the bad thoughts still come.
As time goes on I know they'll become less frequent but when it's a bad day it's so difficult to divert your brain and remind yourself that these days will lessen as time goes on.
The one thing I do tell myself that does hit home is that if you have to restrict to be the weight you are, then you aren't meant to be that weight. If you have to purge or abuse laxatives or cause your body harm in any other way, then that isn't the weight your body is meant to be.
There is no 'perfect weight to aim for.
Your body knows what it wants and needs, let yourself live.
The voice of an eating disorder will tell you you are meant to be skin and bones, but actually your physical body knows what you need a lot more than the eating disorder that is clouding and controlling your brain.
Eating disorders are a fight to the death.
Either you fight until the eating disorder kills you, or you fight until your life ends due to a physical illness or whatever.
Whether you die at 19 or 90, an eating disorder is always a fight to the death.
I must fight to let myself live, fight against the disorder, against the venom.
Anyone out there struggling must fight to let yourself live too.

Life has to be the only option, then your eating disorder cannot win.

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