Tuesday 20 February 2018

Getting nowhere?

The terrain of recovery changes daily, this is natural but this makes it very easy to want to give up.
I have days where I think I haven't gotten anywhere. Where I completely feel ruled by Beelzebub and I don't see that ever changing.
But I'm wrong and if you feel that same hopelessness then you may well be wrong too.
It is ED that makes us believe we are failing, getting nowhere, because ED wants us to give up.
Since I started seeing my therapist last year, I've gained 4 pounds - which is over 4 months may not seem a lot but anorexics struggle to put any significant weight on quickly.
When your body has become used to functioning at 41/42/43 kg, or whatever your weight was, or so long, it will take time for that to increase.
Since seeing my therapist I haven't self harmed.
Since seeing her I have trained myself to look at calories on food packets less and to try and stop calculating them constatnly in my head.
I have also got a job that I really enjoy and I have gone from weighing myself 7/8/9/10 times a day to weighing myself once or twice a week.
Now, my therapist is good but I'm not saying she has done all of this for me, she hasn't. What a truly great therapist does is give you the tools to make the changes.
With an eating disorder, only the one struggling can make the changes.
I have still have a long way to go, my eating habits are far from 'normal', my laxative abuse has not improved yet and my mind can still be a dark place.
But that doesn't matter right now, what matters is I have made progress.
If you are someone who struggles, and you feel you are getting nowhere, think harder because any improvement however small is a victory.
Recovery is not one big step forward, it is made up of lots of little victories.

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