Monday 31 July 2017

The addicting outlet

(Trigger warning; post about self harm)

I first self harmed when I was fifteen years old. Looking back now I don't remember the reason why I made those first cuts.
My care coordinator questions me around this, she's looking for some sort of trauma that hit me at that age to start it off. 
But for me it wasn't a trauma or a life event that made me start self harming, it was just something I did. I wasn't terribly happy at the time but again, for no specific reason. Looking back I know I was a teenager and I probably felt emotions and didn't know how to deal with them, so cutting was my outlet. 
The problem with self harm, in whatever form it takes, is that it is hugely addictive.

I've heard many healthcare professionals say that they cannot understand what would take someone to the point of wanting to mutilate their own body. I think to myself good for you that you can't understand, that means you've never had that level of mental torment. Or, maybe, you could argue they handle their emotions in a more positive way, who knows. 
For me, self harm takes the form of cutting and burning, and the addiction is real. 
I think the pain is quite nice, physical pain can momentarily relieve the mental pain.
But it is about more than just the pain, it's something I can't even put into words. 
Having been addicted in the past to tablets containing speed, I would like self harm almost to the hold drugs can have over a person. 
You can have every good intention, every will in the world, but when push comes to shove self harm is like a familiar friend, a warm invitation that you recognise and know. Something incredibly hard to break away from. 

My care coordinator recently asked me if I feel ashamed or embarrassed about the scars I have. She asked this gesturing to the burns on my hands and scars on the inside of my arms. 
I think she wanted me to say yes I would be humiliated if someone saw them. - if I had said this, maybe she would have used this as a reason for me to stop.
But I said no, and that's the truth. I'm not ashamed of any scars or burn marks I have. 
I wish I could have got this far in my life without self harming but I don't believe that was possible so I have these marks on me, but I'm also still here. So no, I'm not ashamed. 
Nobody should be ashamed of self harm because it is natural to need to find ways to cope, and not all ways are deemed 'healthy', but at least you're still here. 

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